Family media plan - the what, the why and the how?


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The key to the balanced use of digital media is to create family rules about the use of technology - when, how much time, and what kind of content. Until now our website visitors have successfully created more than 180 family plans that help with keeping family e-rules. 

Reasons to use family media plan

Family rules and agreements on technology use are very important when purchasing a first mobile phone or other device for your kid, because they make clear rules and set limits about how much time a kid can spend on the device and what content is appropriate for him or her. The rules must be adapted to the child's age and level of development. Kids and younger adolescents need more structure and more rules than older adolescents, but parents are the ones to know their children the best and therefore can assess what kind of rules do their kids need.

The family plan provides a space for an open conversation regarding the use of screens and allows the whole family to participate. Even if you haven’t had any arrangements in the family so far, it’s not too late to formulate a family plan. With it, you will write down clear agreements on when and where to use devices, for how much time and the responsibilities and rewards that come with following agreements.

The family plan makes it easier to follow the rules regarding the use of screens. With it, we avoid acting impulsively which can cause confusion and restlessness in children and adolescents. Instead, we follow pre-agreed rewards and consequences. With the family plan, we can help all family members to become aware of their use of screens. At the same time, it is easier to keep track of time recommendations and always return to the agreement both in terms of rewards and consequences. The plan will make the rules clearer for children and make it easier for parents to be consistent, which creates a daily routine and consequently makes it easier for children to comply with those time limits.

When you agree on the rules, it is important that you are also involved in this arrangement, because parents are the greatest role models for their children and adolescents. Children quickly notice how their parents use the phone and whether they also stick to a common agreement. Parents can do the most with their positive example of using technology.

At Logout, we have created a family media plan to help you formulate rules about the use of screens, which is now also available in digital form and can be completely customized to your needs.

What does the Logout family media plan offer?

  • An overview of all key areas that are important to discuss and agree on.

  • Useful and concrete tips on how to effectively formulate a particular rule or agreement.

  • Illustration with concrete examples.

  • Possibility to add and remove parts of the plan.

  • Saving the plan in PDF format and a link through which you can adjust or change it later.

  • Setting up the reminder to check the implementation of the agreement.



How do you create a family media plan?

  • Before you start negotiating with your family, first review the plan yourself. In doing so, consider what is feasible for your family, what would you like and which areas are most important to you.

  • Present the purpose of the plan to the family - the aim is to make all family members to be more aware of their use of screens while taking into account their values.

  • Agree on when to start drawing up the plan. Prepare a suitable space and make sure you have enough time so you don’t have to rush. All family members should be involved in formulating the rules and agreements.

  • You can find the family plan for the use of screens on our website.

  • Review all areas and add your own arrangements. Be precise and specific - that’s how you reduce the likelihood of conflicts and loopholes in agreements.

  • Finally, print your plan in several copies and sign it all together.

  • Put the plan in a prominent place so you can use it at any time.

  • Check the implementation of agreements regularly.

  • Remember to carry out the consequences and, if you are successful in complying with the arrangements, the reward you deserved!


General guidelines for creating a family media plan:

  • It is best to put together a family plan before purchasing a new device.

  • Make a family plan that applies to all family members (age-appropriate).

  • Set e-rules for children and agreements for adolescents (be prepared to compromise).

  • Put the rules and agreements that are feasible for your family - which you will be able to carry out, despite any persuasion or pressure from the child or adolescent.

  • The more thorough and precise you are in drawing up a plan, the easier it will be to follow it.

  • Be consistent in implementing the plan - only then will it achieve its purpose. Despite the rules and arrangements in place, it is crucial that parents still have a major role to play in monitoring the implementation of the plan.

  • Be prepared for the fact that there will definitely be a breach of agreements someday. In this case, stay calm and carry out the consequences that you agreed on. If necessary, refer the child or adolescent to the agreement again and show him / her why the consequences happened.

  • You can use parental control applications (e.g. Google Family Link, Qustodio, Microsoft Family Safety) for easier monitoring of your children’s screen time, however, those shouldn’t be a substitute for parental control.


If you feel unsuccessful in formulating a plan or implementing it, we encourage you to visit us and together we will find a way to make an effective change. Choose a free date and book an appointment via the online form, we will be happy to help you towards more balanced use of screens.

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